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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Night Watch Review from the Archives

 Nightwatch is one of those little movies that just didn’t get the big release and promotion it deserved and somehow showed up a month later single copy, bottom rack of your local video store. If you were one of the few people like me who actually saw it - you probably peed your pants.
The Premise:
College student Martin (Ewan McGregor) takes job as Night Watchman at the campus morgue. Martin crosses the path of a demented serial killer and has the Chief police inspector (Nick Nolte) and his best friend (James 'the red herring' Brolin to deal with.

Ok, the plot is not complex, but it’s not meant to be either because that isn't what sets this chiller apart from the rest - It’s the eerie mixture of physical trauma, mental phobias, and emotional angst.
The look and feel are imported from director Ole Bornedals original Danish film Nattevagen. Cold, quiet and creepy to say the least. Adding to the chill factor is the inherent creepiness of Nick Nolte and the disturbing mannerisms of Josh Brolin, in particular a dinner scene with a pathetic prostitute, played perfectly by brilliant actress Alix Koromzay. Brad Dourif plays a doctor but he can play anything and just make you feel creeped out.
Just about everything and everybody in this movie, outside Ewan and his girlfriend (Patricia Arquette), is somehow disturbing to look at.
Under-lit and cold bleak cinematography make this film work your fear nerves but solid enough writing, acting and dialogue will take you to a pants wetting conclusion.
Security Guards and Janitors be warned. Do not watch before work!

Starring: Ewan McGregor.Stars: Ewan McGregor, Nick Nolte, Josh Brolin, Patricia Arquette, Alix Koromzay.
If you liked this film then check out Shallow Grave also starring Ewan McGregor

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