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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fast, Safe, Effective Anxiety Cure that is Not Heroin

Stress Busting Tool: The MP3 Player

Without a doubt the best little tool on earth to eliminate stress and anxiety can be purchased just about anywhere for less than $30. Used properly, it can instantly eliminate a nice big chunk of anxiety from your life.  What is this miracle device? It’s the MP3 Player. OK, it could also be a CD Player, a Sony Walkman, an 8-track or even a Vinyl Disk. Look, just go out and get yourself an MP3 Player and trust me - it is without question the single most effective stress-fighting device you will ever own. Have I emphasised that enough yet!?
Now, here is where a bit of skill factor comes in (and it’s worth it)… you want to load that MP3 Player with a nice playlist of music but with a certain stress-busting formula that would go something like this:
  • Theme song to Welcome Back Kotter
  • Argent: Hold Your Head Up
  • Daft Punk: Da Funk
  • Daft Punk: Around the World
  • Peruvian Flute Music
You might not choose those specific songs but understand the principle and make your own parallel choices. Here is the formula: start with a song that takes you back to a special time and brings back good memories, follow it with at least one uplifting and positive song that inspires you, then throw in something with cyclical and entrancing beats. The ‘beats’ should be less than your heart-rate when you are feeling anxious. I promise you, this is important - getting into the beat will help slow your heart-rate to a more reasonable level. Finish with some flutey music or a ’sounds of the ocean’ track to lull you into a calm state. Your assignment: get those Earbuds in, lay down (or even carry out some mindless chores), and get into those beats for 20-30 minutes a day.
In time, the MP3 Player will come in handy advancing you into Guided Meditation audio experiences. I’m still reviewing my best recommendations but meanwhile, get prepared with your MP3 Player therapy. For those with acute anxiety who want to start Guided Meditation right away, I recommend downloading Bronwyn Fox MP3 ‘Taking Back the Power’. Only $15 (thick Aussie accent included).

*Warning: This advice sounds so simple that it gets glossed over by too many anxiety sufferers even though it is easily one of the most powerful tools you can find. For the small investment of time and money required, it will blow the doors off of anything else you can find in therapy today. It’s so effective that I’d gladly send a free MP3 Player to every anxiety sufferer I know just to prove it (I’m not doing that, but just saying I would if I could - heh.

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