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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Miracle Channel Founder Dick Dewart Gone in Adultery Scandal

Miracle Channel Founder Dick Dewart has resigned in disgrace after it was revealed he had been carrying on a three-year adulterous affair with another man’s wife. It might be tempting (for me) to find some perverse joy seeing the ringleader of hokey and deviant doctrines getting caught with his pants down, but the scandal is actually one of the least problematic things to come out of The Miracle Channel, namely, bizarre doctrines, New-Age mumbo-jumbo and a cavalcade of foolish preachers. A most curious aspect of the adultery scandal was the failure of its ‘Apostles’ and ‘Extreme Prophets’ to spot Dewert’s ’secret sin’ and to thereby protect TMC from the fallout. Funny thing: their ‘Prophets’ have the keen ability to detect ‘the sin of masturbation’ among their members (particularly troublesome ones), but a long term affair going on amidst them went under their psychic radars…
Dick and Joan Dewert have been described as the ‘Paul and Jan Crouch’ of Canada’s ‘TBN North’ and this is because The Miracle Channel is essentially a Canadian version/outlet/rebroadcast for most of the same Word-Faith, and Dominionist teachers, preachers and ‘prophets’ coming out of TBN in the USA. While Miracle Channel does supply many homegrown Word-Faith teachers, Prosperity Gospelites and a good collection of New Apostles, Prophets and Healers, for the most part they all hold to the same aforementioned deviant christian theologies. Prosperity Gospel and Supernatural powers - what could be more appealing!
The problem is that Miracle Channellers (and that’s the word for it) tout the Dewerts as nothing short of new apostles on Earth - not only specially ‘anointed’ but having the power and authority to ‘transfer anointing’ and to reward those who invest in their deeds. Among the Dewerts are a selection of ‘Prophets’ (also of the highest ranks) able to ‘prophecy’ peoples ’secret sins’ and therefore protect their Dominionist plans to take over the world for Christ. Oops… doesn’t look like they are ready to take over Canada ‘for Christ’ quite yet. Way to go TMCers; by merit of your owning teachings, you are keeping Jesus from returning.
On a related note: no sooner did the scandal hit and questions about the prophecy failure arise did I receive a ridiculous ‘testimony’ from a wannabe prophet retrofitting claims that he had ’sensed’ something wrong with Dick Dewart and that strange events such as accidental fires on the set would occur around Dick. The concept was that presumably God (working through this mans presence) was giving ‘warnings’. OK. Sure. Leave it to The Miracle Channelers to exploit the situation for their own ‘Prophet Cred’.

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