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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apparently Angry at CNN 911 Coverage?

I have almost no respect for CNN or any of the actors it props up behind a news desk to parrot lines at me. Make no mistake about it - they are nothing more than actors.
Why do I disrespect the TV show called CNN? Well, Besides having the same sets, suits and make-up styles for the last 10 years, CNN has apparently hired the webmaster of this site to write those streaming updates that run across the bottom of the screen.
I swear I saw three spelling errors in just one newsflash. Don’t Chiron machines have spell check now a days?
As to which of the actors/anchors that are the most untalented, let me name names here: Aaron Brown . This guy obviously has a wizard for an agent - he is clearly devoid of any speaking ability, common sense, looks, or any sort non-offensive facial expressions, and yet, his lack of personality somehow confused CNN bosses into mistaking him for being 'emotionally fair and balanced'.
(So is a cow but I don't see a cow reading some shitty lines at me. Mind you, I would rather see that than the wind-up toupee dolls they have now. Unfortunately CNN would coat the poor talking cow in skin lightening creamy make-up and prop a really blonde wig on it as well.)
I digress.
Anyway, here is a real example of how CNN does nothing that you couldn't easily do better yourself at home with a Mr. Microphone
It is 9/11 and the US is being attacked. It is like hell on Earth is actually happening! CNN is clearly stunned and unprepared for any actual live news events. Reporting half truths and outright nonsense every minute on the minute...
(Recall that the Pentagon was hit with a truck bomb that killed several people and a 5th plane was 'lost' and heading for Washington? CNN was running that for hours!)
Reporters/actors were so confused that some were stuttering and desperately repeating the line "There it is..the pictures tell the story". .Ya because you don't know how you useless idiot!
Finally the stage is set for 'live coverage', Aaron Brown is standing atop a building in New York, which the dork keeps reminding us in monotone voice:
"We are atop a building which as you can see overlooks Lower Manhattan.." Why do you keep saying that over and over you stupid fuck?
Aaron is droning on in his non-committed tone about:
"what was and now isn't. To think of what could have been and sadly we look past all this and recall happier times and a day when we thought it ....."
Buildings are on fire! What the shit are you saying?
Anyway, I swear that as two of the greatest buildings in all mankind's history are crumbling and burning and thousands are dying horrid deaths..CNN actually is running these words across the screen;
--WTC FastFacts: built in 70.. 544 panes of glass--
People are burning to death and CNN is running poorly spelled trivia 'fastfacts' about window panes!
The only good thing I can say is, that while Aaron Brown was doing his ' Whimsy-thing' with a former military General, he actually asked the General to 'reflect' on how he recalled the towers in happier times (while the buildings were still burning!) The unimpressed army man retorted:
" NO I won’t be answering that kind of question. we're being attacked at the moment!"
Aaron had the stupid balls to ask again -and the General just stopped talking to him. Stopped looking at the camera and refused to acknowledge the interviewer right there via satellite! Damn straight!
Anyway, do not even get me started on this laughable attempt CNN has made to be 'ultra-unbiased" with the whole Israel-Palestinian situation. Clearly Israel has more on Arafat then the US has on Bin Laden, but CNN has clearly gone overboard in its attempt to "Show no partiality to Israel" attitude.
I think it has to do with about 70% of CNN being Jewish (in heritage, if not practice). Look, stop being cute with terrorists you stupid talking-heads and ask the fucking terrorist Arafat why he murders baby Jews?
Arafat hates Jews and, if you are a unbiased reporter then who gives a shit if your name is Blitzer, Kessel, King or even Jewwy 'The Jew' Jewman. Ask the fucking tough questions and call murder murder!

Anyway, if you want to get some intelligent and unbiased news from real journalists in the US then go to CNBC and watch only Matthews or Tim Russert. Just get ready to change channels fast when you see Geraldo!

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