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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bizarre Ranting Anger Guy Again

I watched this special TV presentation of an 'Electronic National Town Hall' that was purportedly going to tell us how we feel as a culture about war in Afghanistan.
Apparently this is a 'town' made up of those really stupid university students who like to think that they are vastly more informed and altruistic than the rest of us.
These pathetic pinko- wannabe's had a mad sense of urgency at every question in what is clearly a show of over-compensation to their poorly thought out statements:
"We Need to make agreements and have peace talks..NOt War!" whines the first 'Campus Ghandi'.
The next nose-ring sporting 'life expert' informs us that:
"We are responsible for causing the poverty and so therefore we should talk to them and HELP them!"
The next pale faced 70's chic, white guy afro bearing, hackey sack tossing, Indie listening little college fairy decides to tell us:
"War is bad and if we just bomb people that we are prejudiced against then and we hurt people and we should try and have talks instead and maybe give them aid and ..."
Listen to me you immature, socially retarded little fuckfaces! This group of terrorists want to kill us! They really want to cause the horrible deaths of you and your family! They do not give a Shit about talks, money, food or especially you’re Uni-sheep, pablum-brained, little attempt at being the 'facilitator'.
Maybe you Narrow-minded short-sighted, fake-anti-racists should consider for just a moment that many of these vicious killers are:
More educated than you are.
Have far more money than you ever will.
They have met and lived with our culture and they still want to slash your faces and watch you scream in terror as you burn to death!

"ya but it doesn't solve things to kill just because they did and then we are the same so killing again won't help because it makes only more killing and racism and.. "
SHUT the FUCK up and SIT DOWN!
YES! You Moronic Idiot. Yes it DOES stop them!
If you kill that group of 200 terrorists that are hiding in Afghanistan then that STOPS them from hurting people.
If you can't understand that then please kill yourself for a minute and see if that stops you from hurling crap at me every time you open your mouth. I bet it will.
I can't wait until these young Canadian, 'Social wizards' decide to have a meeting with Bin Laden. Here is the scenario:
As they try and help him and teach him how to accept people and learn about compromise and stop the cycle of racism... ..CRunCH!
Bin Laden's men drop hatchets into the backs of their confused little dreadlock covered skulls.
I actually don't want that to happen. (Hmm?) That is why I want Allied forces to go into Afghanistan and Kill those terrorists.
The rest of the town meeting morons were making me pissed off as well but that is enough for one night. Grrrrr, 

While I'm at it:

Fuck you : Mealy neurotic SUV plastic Mall-Puppets Fuck You Doctors that give aforementioned fake women their fake tits, Prozac, and humiliate their boys - loading em up on Ritalin and ensuring life long misogyny. Assholes.
Fuck You Stephen J, Hawking. you wanna know why? Fucking Bell-shaped Universe, my arse. I say it’s shaped like you Mr. Hawking. An Asshole shape.
Fuck You Lazy 'soldiers' that plant these landmines everywhere and cant even take the time to remove them! I hope you can’t live with the guilt and cut your own legs off. p-fuckin-s. You aren't soldiers. you are cowards.
A Big Fuck You to Hollywood! Many reasons why, however, anti-Semitism would be a good starter - and I mean the self-loathing kind. Sure we are a lot of 'cattle' but that makes what you do even more disgusting!
A special Fuck You to any webmaster that posts dead baby pics. Why do you need that kind of traffic, they are children! A mother carried that baby. Go Fuck yourselves.

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