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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Josh Interview from the Archives

Josh is sixteen and hails from Maple Heights. He likes wrestling, burnouts, and harassing this site. The following gives insight into the wonderful mine of a teenager.

Kingsmuckers: So Josh, you seem to be a big wrestling fan?

Josh: bigger than you! I have seen every SummerSlam-boree since I was a little kid!

KM: So that would be about three years. You have seen three.

Josh: You just friggin make fun of wrestling because you don't even know what.. do you even know The Rock's best move? answer that? 

KM: Is the one where he pretends to sodomize his opponent? Or is The Rock one of the straight ones?

Josh: Hey! I know a guy, and his cousin went to see WWF, and The Taker totally looked right at him during sometime and I guarantee, he said you could tell the guy was psycho!

KM: That’s funny, you said that you were the one who saw the Undertaker?

Josh: I did too. I mean, I went with him... You can ask him! Ya ..um..he goes to my school.

KM: Alright alright, but let's talk about what are you doing with your life besides harassing my website? 

Josh: I can do lots of stuff! wanna bet? I dare you to a brake-stand competition! I was at school and my best friend loaned me his 5.0, and this other kid dared me to do a brake stand, and I totally did the best one...

KM: Please not this story ..

Josh: I friggin DID! Wanna bet!

KM: O.K. Then you did. Bottom line.. are you gonna lay off the hate mail? Or am I talking to your Dad? 

Josh: I didn't send it though! It was this other kid at school who dared me! I told him not to!

KM: What? So you sent the emails?

Josh: No I mean.. The other kid did and used my name..

KM: You’re not good at lying really.

Josh: No. Your not gonna tell my Dad, right?

KM: No, but you need to chill out a bit alright dude?

Josh: Sorry ok?

KM: Were cool.
Since this interview rumour had it that Josh found his first girlfriend and became so pathetically pussy-whipped he had neither the time nor permission to Harass us anymore.

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