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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Depression - Product Reviews

Courses, CD’s, Systems and Books: I Reviewed them and Recommend The Best of the Best

You simply do not need to be having constant worry, anxiety and so-called panic attacks for the rest of your life. There are some excellent resources already available that, when followed correctly, will eliminate these issues and even change your life in ways you never dreamed of. Over the past decade I have spent more time and money on courses, CD’s, books and tapes (remember those?) and now I want to tell you which ones are worth the money and why.

1. Emmet Fox’s: The 7 Day Mental Diet.
This ‘course’ made it’s way into the hands of a young man named Tony Robbins who would later say about it (or exclaim loudly) “IT CHANGED MY LIFE!”. After that endorsement I am not sure you need me to say much more but I will. It is one of the single most effective programs for eliminating anxiety, depression and reducing all forms of worry. It is also difficult and requires real dedication.
Criticism: I deplore the ‘new thought’ metaphysical beliefs that evolved from Fox’s teachings and do not endorse ‘laws of attraction’ or any such things that may relate to or have developed out of Fox’s teachings. I want to be very clear I am only recommending this for the cognitive thinking challenge which, on it’s own is nothing to do with spirituality or universal powers.
Praises: Approached as nothing more than the cognitive thinking challenge and this will make astonishing changes in a persons life. Yes, circumstances will change but simply and naturally as a result of being a healthy more clearly thinking energetic person who then succeeds and changes what is around them.
Cost: Free
Available at: http://vst.cape.com/~rch/fox.html
2. Martin P Seligman: Learned Optimism
I used this book as a sort of companion to my 7 Day mental diet when I was faced with the problem of really identifying what were worrisome thoughts but also how, specifically, I could learn to change my thinking. Learned Optimism will give you a step-by-step tutorial on how you can identify unnecessary negative thinking but a systematic way you can arrest them and change your cognitive thinking patterns into that of a realistic optimist. Apply them for for 7 days and in a row and try and change your life. Some may find the first 2/3rds of the book a wee bit too scholarly as Seligman proves his work with case studies, cites research but even this will give a tremendous insight and confidence before taking on the self-help techniques later on.
Cost: $14.00
Available: Amazon.com
3.  The Linden Method
Charles Linden suffered from chronic anxiety and severe panic attacks for years before he discovered ways to turn his life around. The Linden Method is a course designed to permanently eliminate anxiety and panic and I would highly recommend it.
Format: Study guide and DVD set. One year 24/7 phone support. Also available in instant download.
Basic Idea:  Anxiety is the responsibility of the individual. It is not a disease or illness but symptoms resulting from obsessive worry. Linden explains how focusing on anxiety and its sensations is one of the very things perpetuating it and conversely by refusing to accommodate anxiety and pay attention it will fade away. Careful advice on how to withdrawal from anxiety medication. Nutrition and exercises as well as meditation techniques and sessions. A technique to eliminate panic attacks quickly.
Criticisms: Linden has been criticized for a ‘tough love’ approach and it is possible the website and courseware suffer from too much information all over the place and could benefit from a more technical edit and more graceful presentation.
Praises: Linden takes a ‘tough love’ approach but does so with a great deal of compassion and sincerity. I especially appreciated Lindens personal story where he takes the readers through the most explicit moments of his life and lowest moments and really ‘inside his head’ to see the very details of the anxiety process. I thought Linden made good use of graphics and analogies to more clearly communicate abstract concepts inherent in this subject. Telephone support (to a real live person and maybe even Linden himself) is a great attribute.
Controversies: When Linden was first on the scene he disagreed with establishment clinical psychologists over what was then the idea of separating anxiety disorders into their own unique categories such as General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) versus Panic Disorder versus Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) versus Agoraphobia etc. Since then, the trend among many clinical psychologists has moved to seeing these various disorders as all coming under one ‘Anxiety Spectrum’. So in this sense Linden has proven to be ahead of his time. Linden also emphasizes that these conditions are not illnesses in the sense of a disease or affliction and even objects to the term ‘disorder’. Instead he insists the anxiety and it’s sensations are what comes naturally when we obsessively concentrate on worrisome thoughts.
Available: The Linden Method Website
Cost: $177.00 for the hard copy print and physical CDs and 87 for the download version.
4. Uncommon Knowledge: Confidence Trainer
Format: CD Pack (2 discs) and MP3s or download mp3s alone.
Roger Elliot and colleagues approach anxiety from the angle of proper self-confidence in a series of talks, lessons and meditation sessions. This is no-nonsense clear and concise cognitive behavior therapy and covers a range of techniques and how to use them. This course requires the listener to participate and to apply the techniques and deliberately work on changing their thoughts. This might be one of the most comprehensive, concise and well-organized courses I have ever used and the cost versus benefits (to those who will deliberately apply the techniques) make it one of the best investments I have ever made.
Criticisms: The advice is so concise and clear that some may complain it is too brief and straightforward and some might even feel ‘too simple’ or wish for more in-depth explanation.
Praises: Clear, straightforward and brief instructions. It is true that entire books have been written on just the subject of ‘rational optimism’ but Elliot gives the listen the simple facts they need to know and doesn’t over-load the listener with too many explanations (like I do cough).
Cost: $56.00 for the CD pack + mp3 / $44 for the instant download.
Source: Uncommon Knowledge UK
5. Panic Away
Format: Instant download audiobook, video presentations, coaching voucher
Overview: Joe Barry lived with panic attacks and high-anxiety and eventually developed his own techniques to beat the cycle and stop panic attacks once and for all. Straightforward advice dispelling myths and giving real practical easy-to-understand tip and techniques to stop the anxiety cycle.
Criticisms: Joe has a technique for eliminating panic attacks which he has named the ‘One Move Technique’ ™ and yes he has trademarked that name. The name is trademarked. The actual technique itself is something many, like Joe, have simple discovered themselves or even had suggested by friends or experts. Having said that, Joe Barry can be credited with popularizing it and for trademarking a name he uses to describe it. Some may complaint the course is a little light on content.
Praises: Although you can’t trademark a ‘behavior’ you can trademark a name like the ‘One Touch Technique’ and thank Joe Barry for putting this technique into an easy-to-understand presentation and instruction which will be very helpful to the listeners. I liked that the course was straight-forward, appropriately brief and well organized in brisk step-by-step fashion.
Available: Panic Away
Cost: About $68.00
6. Lucinda Bassett: Attacking Anxiety and Depression
Format: Workbooks, flash cards and CDs
Overview: The Midwest Center for Anxiety and Depression offers a fairly comprehensive course with a lot of content, interactive online content, work books and even cards to carry along with you. Primarily this is good old cognitive therapy and motivation to work through negative thinking, ‘what if’ thinking and explains how anxiety and depression are connected and why eliminating anxiety aleviates the other.
Criticism: A few have complained they ordered the free trial and were quickly charged the full price when they failed to return the course quickly enough. (which may be the fault of the last-minute remorseful buyers?) and in my opinion the course is far too expensive and may be bloated with too much information, videos, interactive options, self-tests etc.
Praises: One thing I really liked about the course was the personal testimonies and these in the form of recorded ‘group sessions’ with anxiety-sufferers. This is amazingly helpful for many listeners who may not now their symptoms, fears and thoughts are actually surprisingly common and will feel a great deal of relief hearing they are not alone and in fact the coursware does address their issues. I also strongly appreciate Lucinda directs strict (but fair) cognitive thinking exercises and the course is fairly well structured. Good for those who more prefer a ‘course’ with more workshop and schooling format.
Available at: Midwest Center for Anxiety
Cost: NA on their website but approximately $500.00
7. Roy Masters Awareness Exercise:
Format: MP3 Download
Overview: Master’s idea here is that anxiety is caused by excessive worrisome and unrealistic thinking and can even be called a ‘hypnotic state’ in its own right. His exercise may seem like ‘self-hypnosis’ but he insists this is the very opposite – it is making the mind ‘be still’ and he even calls it ‘un-hypnotizing’ ones own self.
Criticisms: Master’s may very well be a kook with some unorthodox Christian and seemingly ‘new age’ sounding ideas. I am not recommending or endorsing or even condoning any teachings, doctrines or metaphysical beliefs of Master’s group.
Praises: Very simple. Listen to the ‘Exercise’ MP3 and follow along. Be very aware the challenge is to NOT think of anything else but have pure 100% awareness of only the exercise you are doing and basically train yourself to (for the moment) not revert or wander into your thoughts.
Available: FHU Website
Cost: For some time it was available for $10 or whatever-you-donate (or free if you choose) but I see now they ask for $10 but make it free to those who are soldiers or family their family members.
Not Recommended?
I don’t list or review or refer any courses I think are unhelpful. If its in my reviews then I am convinced there is, at least, some value and help or positive solutions for those suffering anxiety and depression. I may have been through 20 other courses/workbooks/audio courses so weak or ineffective (or poorly done) that I would not bother listing them.
If you have a recommendation I would be more than happy to review it and if it seems helpful I would put it up there in my list.
What you should avoid?
Anything dealing with mysticism, cults (arguably anyone could develop a cult I suppose) but maybe more importantly is that panic and anxiety people avoid courses or solutions which claim certain vitamins, lasers, detoxification or tools are solutions. Don’t get me wrong – I have no doubt there is some benefits to some nutrition or physical therapy. The problem is these often mislead people into the idea it is some ‘outside’ problem and that they will not need to accept personal responsibility for their own thinking and therefore avoid the real cognitive training required to truly deal with the root cause of anxiety, panic, depression.
Also, I strongly recommend staying away from websites or courses which involve you in constant discussion about your symptoms, fears and problems. Here again, do not get me wrong  – this can be an essential first step. The problem is that the anxiety sufferer actually needs to STOP discussing, focusing, reliving, attending to their symptoms, negative thoughts and what they fear or how they have panic. In fact, I see some ‘help sites’ where forums are filled with those who are there simply entertaining and almost ‘reveling’ and soaking in their own anxiety and even making it something like their ‘identity’ and in worst cases are finding social status and pulling rewards out of being anxiety patients. Please avoid these. Discuss symptoms, fears and your bad incidents less and less and avoid websites and courses that ask you to keep reliving and ‘going back’ all the time.

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