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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

From the Archives: Fan Letters to Robert Roman

From Asgharraja,
You are the best and sweet,kind, caring, and best of all you are a great father. And im sure you daughter must feel very lucky to have a father like you .
From BJ, (who allegedly knows what 'true decency' is)
.....rob is scum of the earth and if he ran out and got hit by a car i would laugh.. his kid would be better off than have someone like him as a father... third.. you must be scum like him so you have no clue what true decency is.. enough said.
From Catherine,
Robert is the actual winner of BB4. You were the # 1 favorite in our family and even though you didn't get the title of BB4 winner, you are a winner in all aspects. I'll betcha if all your fans sent you just $1, you'd have more then Jun will (after the IRS takes their cut).
From Becky,
i just want you to know that you have been my fan since the first day.i love the way you played the game and i dont blame you for what you said about alison and jun.
i hope you will have chats with people on the computer because i never got to ask my question on americas choice.well good luck with you and elena.hope you two remain as close as you are
From Michelle,
Hey Robert,

I just wanted you to know how fantastic I think you are. I am in recovery myself (17 years) and am not sure I could have lived in that house for as long as you did and not want to drink. It takes a lot of strength and a good program. Did you use the tools of the program to keep you going all that time? Would love to e-mail back and forth about sobriety stuff. Please always keep the faith and know that if anyone deserved to win that money it was you. You are a great father and a wonderful inspiration. Thanks for showing up in my living room for the last three months. It's nice to know it can be done sober!

From Debbie,
As an avid fan of yours I am so sorry you didn't make it to the end,
I picked you from the very first episode, your "father" role and the way you still participated in your daughters life was very
admirable, and to see the same reactions from your daughter I can tell how close the two of you were, I wanted you to win to make a good life for her and give her all the opportunities she can have out there in the future to pursue her dreams I do remember you saying you would buy a Porsche but I know you'd have helped her out also.
Hey who wouldn't want a new car!!!

Again, I admire you greatly and I know you will be off to good things because of your appearance here,
If you ever make it out to the Midwest (So Bend IN) or are a Notre Dame fan at all look me up, and I'd be glad to show you the town,
Take care and good luck
From Janeanne,
Sure hes not perfect, but who is. Robert did an amazing job in the house and his true colors were shown. Robert is an amazing dad, great friend (and would even make a good ex boyfriend! ) Robert has more class and self respect than the two remaining houseguests will ever have. as cliche as it sounds, robert truly is the winner, and i am sure his life will be blessed in more ways than ever. money can' t buy everything, and robert has so much more going for him than jun or allsion.
I truly wish Robert the best of luck in everything that he does. :)

From Linda,
Hey Robert,
HELLO FROM CANADA!!! I would like to congradulate you for a lot of things. One for being yourself, I enjoyed laughing at your comments and crying with you when you had heard from your daughter. And second, for having the courage to go up against everyone while never being alone. I was so mad when
Alison put on that stupid act when she kicked you out. I was rooting for you the whole time. I figured that you played that game perfectly and you had much , much more of a reason for winning the money! Anyways I just wanted to say congrats and to wish you all the best in your future.


  From Kerry
I want to extend my congratulations to Robert on a game well played. Robert you were my choice to win BB4 all the way. I voted for you multiple times in each of the three America Choice because you were the only one who deserved to win any of them. I want to wish you and Elena the best. In your exit interview you mentioned opening a Restaurant. I hope you go on to fulfill that dream. I have tremendous respect for you for the way you handled yourself when confronting Jun and Alison on the final show. I would not have been as pleasant as you were. You are the winner in my book.
Well, if you're going to throw up notes for Rob you can tell him Sara Joy of Falls Church, VA thinks he's great and thinks he's the winner in the end. He was able to make it to the final three without becoming somebody else, without lying and backstabbing, and without abandoning his morals (or his fight against the bottle which is truly amazing considering all the booze in that house!) He should take pride in the the fact that he grew as a person by mending fences with Erika and relinguishing those bad feelings and he should definitely be proud of the fact that he didn't sell his soul for half a million dollars - which is exactly what Jun and Ali did!
From William,
I like him he is funny and all -but i wish i could watch him without seeing his finger or fingers up his nose every 3 min !
From Jessica,
Hey! I like your site!! I really want Rob to win!! Hes my fave! hes such an awesome guy!!! His daughter is sooo lucky to have him as a dad!!!!

From Cindi,
I just wanted to say that at first i was not a big Robert fan at all, in fact i was completely against him. But lately i have begun to come around to him, although i do believe he needs to carry some tissue, i personally commend Robert for fighting alcoholism and staying clean. It is clear the love of his life is his daughter, and for that i think he deserves some respect. People may not like Robert, however they should step back and think about what his little girl thinks of him, and remember that he is someone's daddy, and they should think about that little girls feelings before they bash her dad. People have no respect for the feelings of the people who are dealing missing Robert, like his little girl, I'm sure. This being said i want to make it clear i have never met Robert and am in no way a relation. Just wanted to give the guy some slack and a positive view for a change. I hope Robert makes it too the final three. GO ROBERT!
robert is a one pice of shit, he is a loser, I feel sorry for his daughter what a fucking punk he is.. calling shit to other woman, he is a fag and insecure fuck. !
From Krystle,
I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of Rob and think he is a great guy and deserves very much to win. Regarding Americas Choice......i just wanted to say that I counted and stayed up for an extra hour the other evening and voted 100 times for Robert to receive a phone call from home....Robert all the way...i hope he wins the grand prize.
From Gail,
Funny, I didn't like Rob, attitude & bad habits. But wow, the guy grows on you. Now, I feel so bad for him in that house with those horrible girls. He was right from the start, they are bitches. He is trying so hard to be pleasant to them and they answer him rudely or in monosyllables.

I think a lot of the behavior or what he said which may be thought of in the publics eye as wrong, is simply a sort of defense mechanism on Robs part. I think he is really a very nice man. I'm sorry for anything I ever posted which was negative. Good lesson as to how we shouldn't judge. Now I would FLIP if he beat those two. Cross your fingers!

Recently, I read from which features conversations from live feed inside the house. Alison and Jun continued their bashing Robert time. Alisonsaid to Jun that in the second competition "you (jun) are so gonna kick his a#*" and Jun was like "yeah, he is such a freak".
Let me say this: the only reason why Alison and Jun hate Robert so muchis that if and when he makes it to the finals, they will stand no chance against him. Let me say it again: NETHER JUN NOR ALISON CAN BEAT HIM! They are jealous of that fact.
Another thing; I think that it's funny how Alison sits there and calls
Robert a "loser" and how "he's done s@#* with his life".

Robert has successfully beaten an alcohol problem. Despite being in the house, where it would be really easy for him to get back into the habit, he has stayed sober.
He made an alliance early on and throughout it all, kept loyal to that

He also has mended fences with a woman who at the beginning of the game he said there was no way they would get along or talk to each other again. He apologized for the crap he's done to her, and has generally through the summer seeming to become a better person.
In fact at the end, he decided that it would be better to take Erika, whowould win against him, instead of Miss Alison whom he would win over,because he felt Erika deserved to win the money.
Not to mention that he is crazy about his seven year old daughter, misses her like crazy, and has been with her her entire life.
And even through this, Alison says he's a loser? I ask why? Because he lost his job as a restaurant manager? Because he once cheated on someone? Excuse me, but who's been cheating on her boyfriend all summer? Who's been bad mouthing and stabbing everyone?
Oh yeah, Jun..... at least he hasn't been stuffing his face all summer

Hate him if you want, but I think that not only will Robert win the
money, but he will win in life as well. He has gained more through this competition than those two will gain in their lifetimes.

Darkreve (back at it)
you may want to look at the word "class" in the dic.. dickhead!
this is just a note to say how very impressed i am with you as a father to your daughter elena...there is NO more important job you can have in your lifetime then the one of being a father to your beautiful daughter...................... and i think you uderstand this and i'm so proud of you for the changes you've made in your personal life to make her proud of you..................congratulations to you robert and continued success in your MOST important job that of being a father.
From Michael,
As a recovering alcoholic myself, I must commend Robert on maintaining his sobriety while trapped in that looney bin with all those lushes. I think CBS would love for him to fall off the wagon because there have been times when the only non alcohol beverage in the house was water, when they know how much he loves soda! CBS sucks by being so careless, anything for ratings!

I would be drunk with those assholes, it's very difficult to maintain around a bunch of drunks without giving in. He is very strong.

Hang in there Robert!
May God be with Robert in the Big Brother House. Maybe God, our Creator be with Robert Roman and I pray God, Our Creator gives in the strength, ability, knowledge, staying power to do the best he can in the game.

from Mark,
I think that robert has played the best game this season. He has dealth with alot of bs that the girls threw his way. He may not win this game but to me he has fought the battle and did the best he could in this game.
From LadyBeth,
I'm proud of you standing your ground that last week with the two evil witches! I pray for your little girl, that she is safe from Ali . Her calling your baby girl a bitch was about the lowest moment of BB4.

Erika and you are so classy together! She was my favorite. She would have been true to you. If you'd of made it to the final two, I'm sure she would have voted for you.

Please don't take any of Alison and Jun's racial slurs to heart. You are a good man, and a wonderful father!


Darkreve (yep he's back again)
hmm you must be gay
looks like you are really into the guy you must be his fudge packer partner hey!

From Kris,
I think we should pull a "It could happen to you" and all mail him $1-5 each and show him we care and dont think those "girls" should win the money.

Wouldnt it be something if enought people passed the word around and he ended up with a few thousand out of it!!! Show those girls they might win the game but Robert won our hearts!!!

From Evelyn,
hi, i admit robert was not one of my favorites at first..but i grew to love him and his daughter. as far as i am concern he is the winner of big brother4!. you don't need 500GS to be the winner. i wish him and his family lots of love and happiness. hope to see him in future!
From Stephanie
Robert you played the game great. I wish you the best after you leave that house. I hope you do something w/Jun & Alison! What they said about Elena was so wrong! You need to protect that beautiful little girl! they have money now I would see about a slander suit then you could have a chance at getting there winnings !!!!! Then you would win ! Please keep us posted Robert. Your daughter is beautiful & has a wonderful father!
Congrats Robert!!!!

From DragonFly,
I didn't like you at first, but after you found out where Jun was, you were the only one who showed genuine happiness for her. That is when I started to see the real you and I really like who you are.
I wish you wouldn't have been so trusting of Ali when she had already proven to you what a liar and backstabber she is.
You may not have won the two top prizes, but you are definately a winner as far as I'm concerned.
I wish only the best for you and your family. You are a good man.
Do you have a message for Rob you would like to post here?

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