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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angry at Pilsbury Now?

Actual Email Anger Guy sent to Pillsbury:

Two commercials for your Pizza snacks feature a parent being seriously and horribly injured in some terrible accident. The father is screaming in horror and agony.
Then some absolutely ignorant fucker of a young adult actually commits a gross act of evilness and family betrayal by ignoring his dying parent to 'snack on your tasty product'.
The ignorant little fuck (the one who loves pizza snacks over his parents pain and agony and plea's for help) is not only a piece of human garbage - but a CRIMINAL!
In many courts your pizza snack advocate could be arrested and put in jail for deliberately allowing someone to suffer and die.
Personally I HATE the sight of Pilsbury products now thanks to your campaign.
Please tell the Ad-Wizards that I hope they never have to be screaming in agony and horror while I pass by and 'don't give a fuck' like the fuckface pilsbury advocate in their commercials.
Good day
[If Pillsbury replies - it might be an equally ferocious email to the makers of Crown Royal]

The Angry Guy Back When XP Came Out

The end of technology.
You heard it here first and here’s why: Windows XP.
Are you fuckin kidding me Mr.Bill? This is what I get four years after Windows 98 came out?
I dare you to explain what the Fuck is good about XP? If I take my Win98, add Neowatch firewall, AVG free antivirus and then, if I’m really gay or a fruity woman, then I get Windowblinds and download the fuckin most horrid looking 1980's Miami Vice pastel coloured interface and some child-themed icons and Voila! - I have something that is actually better than XP because it wouldn't hog as much disk space and memory as that piece of crap XP!
Seriously, This is it? Oh great work assholes, with your XP I have a giant fuckin floating dandelion log-on (or a skater-punk), but the *firewall is OFF by default and the *file and print sharing is ON by default! (There is no indication those settings exist outside finding that in a back tab after 10 step pastel blue icon laden navigation.)
*Hey Hackers, 75% of users will never find that option so have fun!
Do not get me fucking started on the GUI.. too late. Who..?.. Who the fuckin fuckity fuck thought that a 'Plastic Tonka-toy wearing makeup' look was a good idea!
I will bet you that even really effeminate gay guys will complain that it’s too 'fruity'.
Anyway, if you can look at it without throwing up then the ONLY feature that may find interesting is the fuckin 'movie-maker'. You can make it look like you are flying and listening to a Madonna song! (You already could using other programs but now it is at the touch of a huge pastel-orange button in the sliding-glass-space-doors-start-menu-board-fuckin-thing.)
Can I say just one good thing about it? Yes!
XP has a really efficient little uninstall program. Although it takes 77 minutes to install (seriously) its only about 5 to get that horrid crap off my computer. After it was done and I saw my slightly corrupted 98 was still there, I was actually so happy I promised to never make fun of it again!
See, there was a happy ending.

Bizarre Ranting Anger Guy Again

I watched this special TV presentation of an 'Electronic National Town Hall' that was purportedly going to tell us how we feel as a culture about war in Afghanistan.
Apparently this is a 'town' made up of those really stupid university students who like to think that they are vastly more informed and altruistic than the rest of us.
These pathetic pinko- wannabe's had a mad sense of urgency at every question in what is clearly a show of over-compensation to their poorly thought out statements:
"We Need to make agreements and have peace talks..NOt War!" whines the first 'Campus Ghandi'.
The next nose-ring sporting 'life expert' informs us that:
"We are responsible for causing the poverty and so therefore we should talk to them and HELP them!"
The next pale faced 70's chic, white guy afro bearing, hackey sack tossing, Indie listening little college fairy decides to tell us:
"War is bad and if we just bomb people that we are prejudiced against then and we hurt people and we should try and have talks instead and maybe give them aid and ..."
Listen to me you immature, socially retarded little fuckfaces! This group of terrorists want to kill us! They really want to cause the horrible deaths of you and your family! They do not give a Shit about talks, money, food or especially you’re Uni-sheep, pablum-brained, little attempt at being the 'facilitator'.
Maybe you Narrow-minded short-sighted, fake-anti-racists should consider for just a moment that many of these vicious killers are:
More educated than you are.
Have far more money than you ever will.
They have met and lived with our culture and they still want to slash your faces and watch you scream in terror as you burn to death!

"ya but it doesn't solve things to kill just because they did and then we are the same so killing again won't help because it makes only more killing and racism and.. "
SHUT the FUCK up and SIT DOWN!
YES! You Moronic Idiot. Yes it DOES stop them!
If you kill that group of 200 terrorists that are hiding in Afghanistan then that STOPS them from hurting people.
If you can't understand that then please kill yourself for a minute and see if that stops you from hurling crap at me every time you open your mouth. I bet it will.
I can't wait until these young Canadian, 'Social wizards' decide to have a meeting with Bin Laden. Here is the scenario:
As they try and help him and teach him how to accept people and learn about compromise and stop the cycle of racism... ..CRunCH!
Bin Laden's men drop hatchets into the backs of their confused little dreadlock covered skulls.
I actually don't want that to happen. (Hmm?) That is why I want Allied forces to go into Afghanistan and Kill those terrorists.
The rest of the town meeting morons were making me pissed off as well but that is enough for one night. Grrrrr, 

While I'm at it:

Fuck you : Mealy neurotic SUV plastic Mall-Puppets Fuck You Doctors that give aforementioned fake women their fake tits, Prozac, and humiliate their boys - loading em up on Ritalin and ensuring life long misogyny. Assholes.
Fuck You Stephen J, Hawking. you wanna know why? Fucking Bell-shaped Universe, my arse. I say it’s shaped like you Mr. Hawking. An Asshole shape.
Fuck You Lazy 'soldiers' that plant these landmines everywhere and cant even take the time to remove them! I hope you can’t live with the guilt and cut your own legs off. p-fuckin-s. You aren't soldiers. you are cowards.
A Big Fuck You to Hollywood! Many reasons why, however, anti-Semitism would be a good starter - and I mean the self-loathing kind. Sure we are a lot of 'cattle' but that makes what you do even more disgusting!
A special Fuck You to any webmaster that posts dead baby pics. Why do you need that kind of traffic, they are children! A mother carried that baby. Go Fuck yourselves.

Apparently Angry at CNN 911 Coverage?

I have almost no respect for CNN or any of the actors it props up behind a news desk to parrot lines at me. Make no mistake about it - they are nothing more than actors.
Why do I disrespect the TV show called CNN? Well, Besides having the same sets, suits and make-up styles for the last 10 years, CNN has apparently hired the webmaster of this site to write those streaming updates that run across the bottom of the screen.
I swear I saw three spelling errors in just one newsflash. Don’t Chiron machines have spell check now a days?
As to which of the actors/anchors that are the most untalented, let me name names here: Aaron Brown . This guy obviously has a wizard for an agent - he is clearly devoid of any speaking ability, common sense, looks, or any sort non-offensive facial expressions, and yet, his lack of personality somehow confused CNN bosses into mistaking him for being 'emotionally fair and balanced'.
(So is a cow but I don't see a cow reading some shitty lines at me. Mind you, I would rather see that than the wind-up toupee dolls they have now. Unfortunately CNN would coat the poor talking cow in skin lightening creamy make-up and prop a really blonde wig on it as well.)
I digress.
Anyway, here is a real example of how CNN does nothing that you couldn't easily do better yourself at home with a Mr. Microphone
It is 9/11 and the US is being attacked. It is like hell on Earth is actually happening! CNN is clearly stunned and unprepared for any actual live news events. Reporting half truths and outright nonsense every minute on the minute...
(Recall that the Pentagon was hit with a truck bomb that killed several people and a 5th plane was 'lost' and heading for Washington? CNN was running that for hours!)
Reporters/actors were so confused that some were stuttering and desperately repeating the line "There it is..the pictures tell the story". .Ya because you don't know how you useless idiot!
Finally the stage is set for 'live coverage', Aaron Brown is standing atop a building in New York, which the dork keeps reminding us in monotone voice:
"We are atop a building which as you can see overlooks Lower Manhattan.." Why do you keep saying that over and over you stupid fuck?
Aaron is droning on in his non-committed tone about:
"what was and now isn't. To think of what could have been and sadly we look past all this and recall happier times and a day when we thought it ....."
Buildings are on fire! What the shit are you saying?
Anyway, I swear that as two of the greatest buildings in all mankind's history are crumbling and burning and thousands are dying horrid deaths..CNN actually is running these words across the screen;
--WTC FastFacts: built in 70.. 544 panes of glass--
People are burning to death and CNN is running poorly spelled trivia 'fastfacts' about window panes!
The only good thing I can say is, that while Aaron Brown was doing his ' Whimsy-thing' with a former military General, he actually asked the General to 'reflect' on how he recalled the towers in happier times (while the buildings were still burning!) The unimpressed army man retorted:
" NO I won’t be answering that kind of question. we're being attacked at the moment!"
Aaron had the stupid balls to ask again -and the General just stopped talking to him. Stopped looking at the camera and refused to acknowledge the interviewer right there via satellite! Damn straight!
Anyway, do not even get me started on this laughable attempt CNN has made to be 'ultra-unbiased" with the whole Israel-Palestinian situation. Clearly Israel has more on Arafat then the US has on Bin Laden, but CNN has clearly gone overboard in its attempt to "Show no partiality to Israel" attitude.
I think it has to do with about 70% of CNN being Jewish (in heritage, if not practice). Look, stop being cute with terrorists you stupid talking-heads and ask the fucking terrorist Arafat why he murders baby Jews?
Arafat hates Jews and, if you are a unbiased reporter then who gives a shit if your name is Blitzer, Kessel, King or even Jewwy 'The Jew' Jewman. Ask the fucking tough questions and call murder murder!

Anyway, if you want to get some intelligent and unbiased news from real journalists in the US then go to CNBC and watch only Matthews or Tim Russert. Just get ready to change channels fast when you see Geraldo!

Strangely Angry at Sitcoms

Last night I accidentally watched this sit-com. 

It was written and acted so poorly that I found myself glued to the screen in a sort of morbid fascination kind of way. The disjointed plot seemed to involve someone named Laquinisha getting even with some kids at school who were uppity about a dance contest they had won.
At the same time Laquinisha's mother Shaniqua was unable to comprehend any 'young peoples' problems due to having her libido apparently transformed into that of a desperate bitch in heat anytime Principal Hughley walked by.
I recall Laquinisha learned that Tyrell preferred her over Tiffany even though Tiffany won the dance contest and was wearing a cheerleader outfit.
I also recall being amazed this was on the air and that I was watching it!
Considering that this show didn't have any writing to worry about, they could have at least tried to find a volunteer Gaffer from the audience.
(A Gaffer is someone who finds and prevents 'Gaffs' like say a car or person that has been moved out of background between takes)
Oh but no! This sit-com figured no one would notice when characters actually vanish from scenes, or are wearing different clothes after only going onto the balcony!
Here is the really sick part though - according to the shows producers and 'writers' it seems that all white-skinned people are very dull and responsible. Now that is not nearly as bad as having anyone, darker than creole, being portrayed as a 'Shukkin an Jivin' slang-rhyming-hedonist, interested in nothing else but something called 'ching-ching, bling-bling' followed by humping air and saying 'an ya know wot I mean'!
All black women over 25, were sexually jealous freaks who would do grotesque 'chicken dances' at any moment a mans name was even mentioned.
What the fuck is this?
I think these were called 'Minstrel shows' back in America's 20's?
Listen, I don't know much about racial problems in the States but if I was a black American woman watching the 'head shakin and eye rollin' on some of these 'geirrl frieennd!' programmes... lets say Id be even more offended than I am now!
Believe me I am already very disgusted!

Strangely Angry Person Again

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I now have found so many people that need a serious fuckin beating that I actually had to start writing it down on paper. I carry this little piece of paper around in my wallet and it is simply called The Beating List.
The first 20 names tie for first place but the most especially 'beat-worthy' have to be these fuckin tough-dog owners. These are those fucking assholes that need or want a Rottweiler or Pitbull because they are really just faggots who need weapons.
These are the guys that actually get puffed up and flattered when you even lightheartedly ask "Does he bite?".......What this kind of shitface tough dog guy hears you say is: "Um Sir,, YOU aren't going to hurt me with YOUR big dangerous penis and strong fighting powers are you?"
Asshole tough dog guys almost get a bit 'horny' when their pitbull scares the shit out of kids walking past his yard. These fuckin cowards are the same fucks that - after their dog takes a run at me and I wind up for a good kick to save my arse.. . these Fucking Assholes will yell at me!?
" Don’t You Dare Hurt MY DOG! "
Guess what, you annoying fucker of a coward? I am going to take a fuckin rifle and walk around your yard occasionally waving it at your head. It no different at all than your Rottweiler walking around my kids is it?
"Ha ha, don't worry Tough Guy.. I won’t hurt you"
But if I do happen to pull back the safety lock and it points at your head ...
" HEY! NO ! DO Not Fuckin touch MY rifle, don't you DARE hurt my rifle!"
Next time I have to kick your dogs head in, to protect myself - just remember that you killed the dog, Fuckface - you forced me to do the killing for you but it is you who made it happen!
You assholes owe me and the dog an apology!
I don’t even like to think about what happens to animals on a daily fucking basis in this country!
P Fucking S : Some of you 'cat lovers' are as bad as anyone. you take it away from its mother while its still weaning, then you leave it dry cat food and water, you 'fix' it before its grown and then you lock it in a house where you smack it and attribute 'vindictiveness' to it for being itself.
You shame it for naturally defecating by rubbing the animals nose in it to 'punish it for being dirty' and then what.. you declaw it so it doesn’t have its most important body parts... you know what .. Fuck you too!

Big Brother 5 UK Ex-Penis Shocker as Tranny Enters the Game!

Big Brother 5 UK Ex-Penis Shocker as Tranny Enters the Game!
(..*and we said it would happen!)

Man with Inside-out Penis!
"I still have two balls ...it's just that now they are bigger, synthetic and on my chest." ~Nadia 'Carl' Almada
Meet Nadia Almada.. the 27 year old BB5 UK guest that is custom-made to shock her fellow houseguests like none other before!
Unlike previous silicone-bearing guests - Nadia also comes with artifical hormones, reconstructive surgery, fat injections and a penis turned inside-out in the shape of a fake vagina!
The Shocking 'Tranny Twist' was revealed to the stunned viewing audience - but NOT to the Eleven other contestants inside the house - who must live, eat and sleep with him for the entire summer!
So far Nadia (aka Carlos) has managed to keep his former sexual identity a secret but you can be sure Big Brother will be there to capture the priceless expressions on the faces of every house guest as they find out the shocking news of Nadia's missing testicles!!
Oh and Nadia has one more little secret - He's a Virgin! (Err.. we are not sure what this means yet?)
*Shockalot Online was first to predict a Transsexual Surprise was in the works among Big Brother producers over a full year ago! Our prediction caused many viewers to speculate that BB4 USA contestant Erika was the 'man in question'. (A rumour we were first to confirm was untrue) Now the Real Transsexual has indeed stood up! Shockalot wishes you the best of luck in BB5 UK!

Italian Military outraged over Gibson's 'La Passione'

Italian Military outraged over Gibson's 'La Passione'

Mel Gibson's controversial film 'The Passion of Christ' broke Italian box office records this week as it opened in theatres across the country. This, despite protests held by outraged members of Italy's Military Police community.
Italian Police Protest Portrayal in The Passion
A spokesman for D.P.I.M (Difesa di Polizia Italiana Militare) complained to reporters "Gibson is an anti-Italianite period. The Roman soldiers are portrayed as cruel, barbaric and ultimately anyone who see's this film will only be able to conclude one thing - Roman soldiers killed Jesus!". Another protester, Sgt. Rocco Trieste took it a step further "Gibson doesnt just fuel anti-italianitism but slaps the face of Italian women everywhere by deliberately portraying Italian women as Satans!" [refering to the role of Satan being played by Italian actress Rosalinda Celentano]. While protests by Italian Military Personnel were peaceful in general, several incidents of 'wild hand geturing' erupted, however, they were not enough to stop theatre goers from packing the seats and sending 'The Passione' into top spot among Italy's most popular cinematic draws.

Before They Were Dead: Gilligan

Lovable Gilligan shows up as 70 year old man! 

Not Bob Denver Related
Bob Denver, television’s favourite 'Little Buddy', resurfaced in the public eye last week and shocked millions by revealing that he is fighting a losing battle against aging!
The courageous former star of Gilligan’s
Island allowed himself to be openly photographed with grey hair, big ears, and liver spots. He was quoted as saying: “I hope that others in danger will see my affliction and take action to avoid going through the same battle that I now face".
Despite his bravado, Denver nevertheless announced plans to start an around-the-clock ‘Oldies’ radio station in his basement - a sure sign that he has succumbed to old-ageism.
The veteran funnyman is one of four surviving cast members from Gilligan’s island; coincidentally, actor Russell Johnson was afflicted with Septagenarianism a decade ago himself, but has since managed to keep it in remission.
Surviving female co-stars Dawn Wells and Tina Louise have not yet been affected by aging-related symptoms.

From the Archives: Fan Letters to Robert Roman

From Asgharraja,
You are the best and sweet,kind, caring, and best of all you are a great father. And im sure you daughter must feel very lucky to have a father like you .
From BJ, (who allegedly knows what 'true decency' is)
.....rob is scum of the earth and if he ran out and got hit by a car i would laugh.. his kid would be better off than have someone like him as a father... third.. you must be scum like him so you have no clue what true decency is.. enough said.
From Catherine,
Robert is the actual winner of BB4. You were the # 1 favorite in our family and even though you didn't get the title of BB4 winner, you are a winner in all aspects. I'll betcha if all your fans sent you just $1, you'd have more then Jun will (after the IRS takes their cut).
From Becky,
i just want you to know that you have been my fan since the first day.i love the way you played the game and i dont blame you for what you said about alison and jun.
i hope you will have chats with people on the computer because i never got to ask my question on americas choice.well good luck with you and elena.hope you two remain as close as you are
From Michelle,
Hey Robert,

I just wanted you to know how fantastic I think you are. I am in recovery myself (17 years) and am not sure I could have lived in that house for as long as you did and not want to drink. It takes a lot of strength and a good program. Did you use the tools of the program to keep you going all that time? Would love to e-mail back and forth about sobriety stuff. Please always keep the faith and know that if anyone deserved to win that money it was you. You are a great father and a wonderful inspiration. Thanks for showing up in my living room for the last three months. It's nice to know it can be done sober!

From Debbie,
As an avid fan of yours I am so sorry you didn't make it to the end,
I picked you from the very first episode, your "father" role and the way you still participated in your daughters life was very
admirable, and to see the same reactions from your daughter I can tell how close the two of you were, I wanted you to win to make a good life for her and give her all the opportunities she can have out there in the future to pursue her dreams I do remember you saying you would buy a Porsche but I know you'd have helped her out also.
Hey who wouldn't want a new car!!!

Again, I admire you greatly and I know you will be off to good things because of your appearance here,
If you ever make it out to the Midwest (So Bend IN) or are a Notre Dame fan at all look me up, and I'd be glad to show you the town,
Take care and good luck
From Janeanne,
Sure hes not perfect, but who is. Robert did an amazing job in the house and his true colors were shown. Robert is an amazing dad, great friend (and would even make a good ex boyfriend! ) Robert has more class and self respect than the two remaining houseguests will ever have. as cliche as it sounds, robert truly is the winner, and i am sure his life will be blessed in more ways than ever. money can' t buy everything, and robert has so much more going for him than jun or allsion.
I truly wish Robert the best of luck in everything that he does. :)

From Linda,
Hey Robert,
HELLO FROM CANADA!!! I would like to congradulate you for a lot of things. One for being yourself, I enjoyed laughing at your comments and crying with you when you had heard from your daughter. And second, for having the courage to go up against everyone while never being alone. I was so mad when
Alison put on that stupid act when she kicked you out. I was rooting for you the whole time. I figured that you played that game perfectly and you had much , much more of a reason for winning the money! Anyways I just wanted to say congrats and to wish you all the best in your future.


  From Kerry
I want to extend my congratulations to Robert on a game well played. Robert you were my choice to win BB4 all the way. I voted for you multiple times in each of the three America Choice because you were the only one who deserved to win any of them. I want to wish you and Elena the best. In your exit interview you mentioned opening a Restaurant. I hope you go on to fulfill that dream. I have tremendous respect for you for the way you handled yourself when confronting Jun and Alison on the final show. I would not have been as pleasant as you were. You are the winner in my book.
Well, if you're going to throw up notes for Rob you can tell him Sara Joy of Falls Church, VA thinks he's great and thinks he's the winner in the end. He was able to make it to the final three without becoming somebody else, without lying and backstabbing, and without abandoning his morals (or his fight against the bottle which is truly amazing considering all the booze in that house!) He should take pride in the the fact that he grew as a person by mending fences with Erika and relinguishing those bad feelings and he should definitely be proud of the fact that he didn't sell his soul for half a million dollars - which is exactly what Jun and Ali did!
From William,
I like him he is funny and all -but i wish i could watch him without seeing his finger or fingers up his nose every 3 min !
From Jessica,
Hey! I like your site!! I really want Rob to win!! Hes my fave! hes such an awesome guy!!! His daughter is sooo lucky to have him as a dad!!!!

From Cindi,
I just wanted to say that at first i was not a big Robert fan at all, in fact i was completely against him. But lately i have begun to come around to him, although i do believe he needs to carry some tissue, i personally commend Robert for fighting alcoholism and staying clean. It is clear the love of his life is his daughter, and for that i think he deserves some respect. People may not like Robert, however they should step back and think about what his little girl thinks of him, and remember that he is someone's daddy, and they should think about that little girls feelings before they bash her dad. People have no respect for the feelings of the people who are dealing missing Robert, like his little girl, I'm sure. This being said i want to make it clear i have never met Robert and am in no way a relation. Just wanted to give the guy some slack and a positive view for a change. I hope Robert makes it too the final three. GO ROBERT!
robert is a one pice of shit, he is a loser, I feel sorry for his daughter what a fucking punk he is.. calling shit to other woman, he is a fag and insecure fuck. !
From Krystle,
I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of Rob and think he is a great guy and deserves very much to win. Regarding Americas Choice......i just wanted to say that I counted and stayed up for an extra hour the other evening and voted 100 times for Robert to receive a phone call from home....Robert all the way...i hope he wins the grand prize.
From Gail,
Funny, I didn't like Rob, attitude & bad habits. But wow, the guy grows on you. Now, I feel so bad for him in that house with those horrible girls. He was right from the start, they are bitches. He is trying so hard to be pleasant to them and they answer him rudely or in monosyllables.

I think a lot of the behavior or what he said which may be thought of in the publics eye as wrong, is simply a sort of defense mechanism on Robs part. I think he is really a very nice man. I'm sorry for anything I ever posted which was negative. Good lesson as to how we shouldn't judge. Now I would FLIP if he beat those two. Cross your fingers!

Recently, I read from which features conversations from live feed inside the house. Alison and Jun continued their bashing Robert time. Alisonsaid to Jun that in the second competition "you (jun) are so gonna kick his a#*" and Jun was like "yeah, he is such a freak".
Let me say this: the only reason why Alison and Jun hate Robert so muchis that if and when he makes it to the finals, they will stand no chance against him. Let me say it again: NETHER JUN NOR ALISON CAN BEAT HIM! They are jealous of that fact.
Another thing; I think that it's funny how Alison sits there and calls
Robert a "loser" and how "he's done s@#* with his life".

Robert has successfully beaten an alcohol problem. Despite being in the house, where it would be really easy for him to get back into the habit, he has stayed sober.
He made an alliance early on and throughout it all, kept loyal to that

He also has mended fences with a woman who at the beginning of the game he said there was no way they would get along or talk to each other again. He apologized for the crap he's done to her, and has generally through the summer seeming to become a better person.
In fact at the end, he decided that it would be better to take Erika, whowould win against him, instead of Miss Alison whom he would win over,because he felt Erika deserved to win the money.
Not to mention that he is crazy about his seven year old daughter, misses her like crazy, and has been with her her entire life.
And even through this, Alison says he's a loser? I ask why? Because he lost his job as a restaurant manager? Because he once cheated on someone? Excuse me, but who's been cheating on her boyfriend all summer? Who's been bad mouthing and stabbing everyone?
Oh yeah, Jun..... at least he hasn't been stuffing his face all summer

Hate him if you want, but I think that not only will Robert win the
money, but he will win in life as well. He has gained more through this competition than those two will gain in their lifetimes.

Darkreve (back at it)
you may want to look at the word "class" in the dic.. dickhead!
this is just a note to say how very impressed i am with you as a father to your daughter elena...there is NO more important job you can have in your lifetime then the one of being a father to your beautiful daughter...................... and i think you uderstand this and i'm so proud of you for the changes you've made in your personal life to make her proud of you..................congratulations to you robert and continued success in your MOST important job that of being a father.
From Michael,
As a recovering alcoholic myself, I must commend Robert on maintaining his sobriety while trapped in that looney bin with all those lushes. I think CBS would love for him to fall off the wagon because there have been times when the only non alcohol beverage in the house was water, when they know how much he loves soda! CBS sucks by being so careless, anything for ratings!

I would be drunk with those assholes, it's very difficult to maintain around a bunch of drunks without giving in. He is very strong.

Hang in there Robert!
May God be with Robert in the Big Brother House. Maybe God, our Creator be with Robert Roman and I pray God, Our Creator gives in the strength, ability, knowledge, staying power to do the best he can in the game.

from Mark,
I think that robert has played the best game this season. He has dealth with alot of bs that the girls threw his way. He may not win this game but to me he has fought the battle and did the best he could in this game.
From LadyBeth,
I'm proud of you standing your ground that last week with the two evil witches! I pray for your little girl, that she is safe from Ali . Her calling your baby girl a bitch was about the lowest moment of BB4.

Erika and you are so classy together! She was my favorite. She would have been true to you. If you'd of made it to the final two, I'm sure she would have voted for you.

Please don't take any of Alison and Jun's racial slurs to heart. You are a good man, and a wonderful father!


Darkreve (yep he's back again)
hmm you must be gay
looks like you are really into the guy you must be his fudge packer partner hey!

From Kris,
I think we should pull a "It could happen to you" and all mail him $1-5 each and show him we care and dont think those "girls" should win the money.

Wouldnt it be something if enought people passed the word around and he ended up with a few thousand out of it!!! Show those girls they might win the game but Robert won our hearts!!!

From Evelyn,
hi, i admit robert was not one of my favorites at first..but i grew to love him and his daughter. as far as i am concern he is the winner of big brother4!. you don't need 500GS to be the winner. i wish him and his family lots of love and happiness. hope to see him in future!
From Stephanie
Robert you played the game great. I wish you the best after you leave that house. I hope you do something w/Jun & Alison! What they said about Elena was so wrong! You need to protect that beautiful little girl! they have money now I would see about a slander suit then you could have a chance at getting there winnings !!!!! Then you would win ! Please keep us posted Robert. Your daughter is beautiful & has a wonderful father!
Congrats Robert!!!!

From DragonFly,
I didn't like you at first, but after you found out where Jun was, you were the only one who showed genuine happiness for her. That is when I started to see the real you and I really like who you are.
I wish you wouldn't have been so trusting of Ali when she had already proven to you what a liar and backstabber she is.
You may not have won the two top prizes, but you are definately a winner as far as I'm concerned.
I wish only the best for you and your family. You are a good man.
Do you have a message for Rob you would like to post here?

Correspondance: Justin Time Vs. Redbrain

RedBrain Exchange

erm you should call this site er friggin gaybrain hahaha cause its so gay and shit haha that was fuunier than the whole site haha ot how bout red-stooooggie or no wait ummm red-gay YA hahah well ill give you this it has lots of funny shit and stuff so its not that bad but i dont know what you pages mean?...staff infections? wat the fug do i know wat that means? i have inporatant stuff and shit to do all day and cant waste time guessing wat these 'puns' mean
no wait im just shittin ya buddy ,,you are pretty coo;l just have less skanky porn k
Justin Time


Dear Justin Time,
Is this what passes for English these days? I hope and pray that this child is not the product of an American school system.

Erm? Er? Friggin? Fuunier? What you pages mean? Stooooggie? wat the fug? Ummm, inporatant? ,,you? coo;l? porn k?

Ever hear of punctuation? I couldn't even say that first sentence in one breath if I tried.

Perhaps you should finish school (or go back) before you sit around all day wasting time trying to figure out what our navbar means.
I would love to see some of your homework assignments. Now that would be funny.

nooooo wat im jus shittin YA buddy yur zactly wut weer lokin fur round here at friggingaybrain yu mite even be are best riter send us some of yur stu:ff
derr redbrain
allright, maybe, i dont spell good, but ,only beacause i was so confused after havin, to read your site and all the colours and friggin 'puns on words' you like so much. notice puncuation ??? ho oh hahahah i get it; staff infictions=staff that is super gay ....gaybrain! hahah . check thiss sheeit out:( i know emoticans now stoogies! );p smoke that for a whiel!!!! anywauy, this site is stupid still! are you ,shittin me? you need a staff? is just one friigin guy in charge of making headaches for me using grahpics?? redbain suuuuuuuucks cause its gaybrain
SUckers! ;0)
Does the 'pun' guy sit around being friggin gay all the time );)
Justin Time


Dear Surfers,
If anyone out there can translate this into an understandable language, please get intouch with me. I think it's a cry for help.


On a side note....for someone who hates the site so much, he sure spends enough time coming to the site, reading what we write and writing these cyrptic emails to us. And if you happen to be reading THIS post, it means that you are BACK ON THE SITE AGAIN. Oh brother....talk about a loser.

You are the loosers!!! I only look at yuor gay site because i cant beleive thatits is still here! i errr.. check so i can see if it still takes friggin a whole staff just too make hahahaha a hard to friggin read site!! you shoulld have a friggin gaybrai

[ Dear Redbrain,
My name is Greg. I'm Justin's brother. I thought I would interject an explanation into his little email rant. You see, Justin is a good kid. Really. He just has a inability to 'get' certain things, especially 'plays on words'. Also, he is partially colour blind, so he has difficulty perceiving your graphics. Justin often becomes easily frustrated with these aspects of life, and tends to lash out, often declaring things as 'gay'. This does not seem to refer to homosexuality as he has declared both my shoes, and my girlfriend, to be 'gay'. not to mention his school and anything related to it. I personally like Redbrain.com , while I do agree that we're all a bit tired of skanky porn ( which isn't too bad at your site) Hopefu

Friggin GReg!! you friggin fag!!! if i knew how to friggin delete that shit i wuold!!! that middle part is from my friggin gay brother so dont print any of that gay shit! redbrain = gaynobrains! hahahaha BUUURNnn!!!! suckers!
Justin (the man!)


Did I say loser? My mistake. I meant Split personality, Psycho, Loser.
Perhaps I could hire him as an addition to the staff.... But we would have to put his office WAY in the back and chain him to the wall. Shit, we could probably sell tickets to see him.
Hey "Justin (the man!)", next time your here at the site, (which is probably daily) and you read this, (which I know you will) why don't you email us a picture of what you look like. I think everyone would be curious to see what "Justin (the man!)" looks like.


Hey gaybrain! (Yes?)
are you stil here! (If I wasn't, who exactly would you be writing to?)
wow thatss wierd becuase you are still gay (So you are saying that you are back here, BECAUSE I am Still gay. Hmmm what does that say about you?) and I am now using spellchecker (which doesn't seem to be working),which is friggin gay because it spels shit wrong too.(Did you try hitting the button to activate it?) but anyway,,(double comma?) now you are friigin (double i's?)... in shit with my brother (meaning your brother is "In Shit" as well?) and I (you are "In Shit" too?). because i know that i am no way as big a looser as redbrain.gay (buurrn) and i garantee i could prove it tens times (Wow, a ten times over guarantee?) over suckers! you wanna bet!?(yes we would love to bet) well guess wht stoogies?(Whats that, genius?) i friggin know a guy who friggin knows the Taker! (Who the fuck is the "Taker") and what else gaybrain?(Whats else, genius?) i friggin bet you i can friggin beat you in a braikstand competitoin (What exactly is a "Braikstand Competitoin"?) any day of the weak fagollas! (As opposed to strong fagollas?)oh ya and I have a girlfriend who is hot!(What's his name?) now here is my big brother greg! start pissin you pant now!

Dear redbrain,
Let me start out by granting you this much, Justin may not always 'win' at life. Fair enough, however you had absolutely no right (nor class!(who ever said we did have class?)) whatsoever to denigrate both him and I, in the way that you did! I will have you know that I am a well respected 'team member' at a multi-million dollar chain of stores.(Does sweeping up at WalMart really count?) This position is , I assure you, not just handed out to 'psycho's' (certainly not! Psycho's have to wait in a long line to get that one) as you so unfairly painted me! I will also point out that Justin does excel in many things in this world. Last year, he spraypainted his entire chevette(OH MY GOD, this guys is actually allowed to drive a car?!?)., by himself(BY HIMSELF?!?!) ! He also boasts one of the most extensive collection of sports-entertainment merchandise on the block (I'm not sure if "Used Highschool Jocks" count in that category)! I haven't met his girlfriend (surely you've seen his right hand before) but he assures me that Lita is wonderful!(how could she not be?). Now you will have to excuse me but I am so ticked-off with you folks that I can barely express myself properly! (what exactly is the "proper" way to express yourself?) I'll let Justin speak for himself.........

thats right friggin gayberain!!!! take that (take what?) LOOSErs!! oh..and anotherr thing- greg is good at english stuff and i bet he could write the whole friggin redbrain site in a day (fantastic, have him submit an article or two and we'll let the surfers decide) and not even use stupid gragpics that hurt peoples friggin eyes(your head shouldnt be that close to the screen)....OH YA! I got you on some shit mr.smartasses? (got me ON some shit?).your called RED brain but you ar so stupid because your site is friggimn GREEN!!!(not only was this lost sole cursed with half a brain, but he's color blind to boot!) Idiots! hahahaa think about it stoogies, that is called an oxymoronic (I guess the spell checker is working after all..)shit and thats just one of many faults, after all, we are all just human (actually B.L.A.Z.E. is half andriod, half test tube baby..). Are we not?,,,,,,, (damn, 7 commas, now that was a dramatic pause) I mean uhhhh you atre GAY loosers (we NEVER "atre" a gay loser in our lives!)amd ,,,talk to greg again ok...

Let me suggest that in the future, maybe we would all do well to respect each others...ASses yahahah as in kiss my ass stoogiess! redbrain.gay friggin sucks it BIGtome!!(Actually we DO suck it "Bigtome") I may assure you that that that Im King shit of fuckMountain (King Shit IS quite a title...and very fitting.) and you Lamerz are the stupidst dumasses around(actually we're the smartest dumbasses around) tyou probably kiss commisioner mc manns ass! (who the fuck is commisioner mc manns?) because you suck!! (BECAUSE we suck, or in spite of it?) redstoogie.com should not reduce ourselves to that level, or are we not then,,,,,,"good evening my name is Greg, can I interest you in the seniors special? "(ahh, you work at an old folks diner?) because stone cold hehe friggin drinks a friggin beer! hahahah he drinks BEEr !
- I peer out the glass,
- rain falls against the pane,
- the pane, the pain, the glass
- shall I sleep?
- I want to wake, wake
- I peer out the glass



Does your brain hurt from reading that? Mine did after writing it.
It's hard to put yourself into the mind of a 6 year old.

If anyone can make sense of this madness please email me.
This numb-scull actually attached a picture with this drivel.
--->Click here to see him!<--

This couldn't have been funnier if
-->I made it myself.<--
(I spoke too soon)


Hi Guys!
It's me, Justin! Guess what? I have earned myself a full hour in the multimedia room again! I would have last week too, but I had a 'misdirected anger' situation last month :( no worries... Dr.Carl is pretty durable! He also happens to be very forgiving! In fact he gave me some wonderful 'gifts of science' that same day! I take 3 varieties 4 times a day and let me tell you something friends. Wow! It all makes such WonderFunTastic sense!
Good News! Now I can really see the heart-warming whimsy that is Redbrain!
For starters, The colours! The vibrancy, the hues. Can any site claim that its very colour scheme is enough to bring such joy! The sheer beauty of MacchioWatch! The uplifting tribute to such a beloved and important career. The delicious playfulness of Horrorscopes! What Irony! Yes you CAN taste it! It tastes like Marzipan. Where to begin regarding Full Circle Cinema? How about starting with Magical! The ribaldry of Knocking Heads = Electric!
Poignancy. That is the only word to describe the great charity and humanitarianism displayed in Contests&Prizes. My weeping is not in vain, my friends.
Truly, the most endearing and oh so special aspect of this wonderful Redbrain must be its Staff. I cant thank you enough most loveable Unkle Slappynuttz, your are truly inspiring! As for Lumpy the Clown? The name says it all. Lumpy. I have even come to realization that my imagined detractors, AlmightyTwinkie and Sloppy, are in fact fellow sojourners in this fantastic voyage we call life. Comrades really!
Well friends, Big Lars is giving me the 'times up' signal, so I best get back to the crafts room! I leave you with a new and improved bit of prose:

Here is Magic.Redbrain. Redbrain.
Here is laughter. Again. Again.
Wonderment is vibrant. Aloof.
Clouds of Joy and Revelry are...
Redbrain. Redbrain.

Best Wishes and Blessings to you all, my wonderful friends!
You Pal, Justin

Dear Me Pal Justin,
Glad to hear about your medically induced sanity. Our email box has almost reached critical mass with emails of your whereabouts.
Sounds like you have seen the light, mentally. Perhaps one day soon you'll see the light of day....(upon your release)

Stay in touch.


Todd Bentley: Poser Prophet of Punch

Todd Bentley: Poser, Prophet of Punch and Divorcee. Good Riddance.

Todd Bentley is sometimes sarcastically called ‘Fraud Bentley’ by the more discerning critics and for so many good reasons. From what I can gather, the ‘long-story-short’ on Todd is that he claimed to have come out of some sort of hardcore life of prison and gangs, converted to a born-again life and was called to a Ministry endowed with amazing gifts of healing, prophecy, wrestling moves and even the ability to resurrect the dead. At some point, Todd Bentley bumped around with Charismatic Catholicism during which time he claims to have been possessed by demons (lots of them) and eventually found his way into the whole Third Wave, Joels Army, Miracle Channel, Kingdom Now, Dominionism, Five-Fold Apostolic movements. (Its like identifying the shapes in a Lava Lamp with these people sometimes).  Todd starts his own Ministry (Fresh Fire) where he preaches and evengelises and eventually hangs with Bob Jones and Patricia King and recently was invited to speak at some sort of Revival Meetings in Florida, USA. Now that's when Todd’s ministry powers and healings ‘blow up big time’ and Todd becomes the centre of what was called the ‘Florida Outpouring’ which is a way of saying his stage show was seeing a high volume of allegedly supernatural healings, signs and wonders. GodTV starts running these day and night as Bentley’s performances become increasingly bizarre - Todd throws ‘Holy Spirit’ like it were an object and namely a weapon, shouting “BAM!” as he struts his self-satisfying power about the stage. Todd screams the new tallies from ‘Resurrected Dead List’, a man with stomach cancer is violently kneed in the guts by Todd and in another case he boasts of how he kicked a woman right in the face as she stood at the end of the stage, another man violently ‘body-checked’ to be sent flying. Welcome to the Ultimate Fighter Championship of Faith-Healing! Its really hard to imagine Todd is capable of such strengths as he is just about the pudgiest man with the slimmest little arms and legs and small frame but then carrying what appears to be about 90% body fat. So I suppose any 300 lb man in his 30’s could very well beat up cancer patients and old ladies. That doesn’t mean he should. Todd claims God instructs him to assault people.
Todd is what you might call a ‘Poser’ or a ‘Wannabe’ anyways. Recall Todd claims for himself some hard time in prison. This might give you the impression of a hardened tough-guy who was running about with some of the roughest gangs. Nope. Todd was probably in segregation to keep Gangs away from him.  Todd was in Custody as a youth after he sexually molested a younger boy and in another incident its said he assaulted his own Mum. Honestly, I do accept Todd’s explanation and justification but I just resent he wears the ‘Street-cred’ of a ‘Gangsta’ when, in fact, he was in Juvey and likely segregated for his own safety for disturbing sexual assaults and not for his ‘thug life’ lifestyle he alleges to have lived. You might notice Todd has tattoo’s all over his body and some may recognise a few that are specifically ‘gang tats’ as well as a few others that are by style and location known to be prison tattoos. They are not Gang or Prison tattoos though. In fact Todd’s biker gear, tattoos, piercings are all fairly recent accessories he bought long after he became a Christian and even long after becoming a Minister. Honestly, I don’t really care that he does have tattoos but I find it annoying he chose to get inked so as to ‘appear’ to have earned them back in his hardcore gang lifestyle which didn’t exist anyways. I know why he did this, of course - it gives him much more ‘church-cred’ with the charismatic crowds who see the worse and more deplorable pre-conversion lifestyle as making one even more miraculous of a salvation. It insinuates he received some sort of ‘extra spirit-filling’ so to speak. I might just mention something here - I know something about Motorcycle Clubs in the Vancouver area. Todd wouldn’t last 10 seconds.
Anyways, I promised to make that a long-story-short and so lets ‘cut to the chase’ and be happy to report that Todd Bentley was quickly criticized and held up to the light by Christians just as fast as Geraldo could jump on it. Not just CRI either but it warmed my heart to see so many in the online Christian community boldly call this nonsense for what it was. It might have carried on a bit longer but low and behold there turned out to be another reason why Todd was forced to disappear from the stage. Adultery. It seems that Todd had decided that his disabled wife and children were less interesting than another woman in his company. Interestingly, the affair has been described as ‘emotional adultery’ but one in which Todd and his mistress (a former Nanny to the Bentleys no less) are unwilling to give up. Divorce proceedings go into effect. Todd insists that his marriage was already irreconcilable regardless of the new lady in his life. Patricia King and all the other Prophets are still able to get revelations about masturbation or that some people will find a dime on the ground in a given year  - but didn’t get tipped off about the inevitable shame and adulterous affairs about to bare in those ‘chosen prophets’ right beside them? Fascinating, sad, disturbing and once again I don’t need to reinvent the wheel on Todd Bentley criticisms when there are just so many excellent online critiques and articles on this whole mess that attempted (with limited success) a mockery of Christianity:
My Optimist Spin:  Maybe the good news in all this is that Christians (as a Body) were fairly quick to call BS and apply some sort of discernment even if it was on the most obvious false gospel to spot in the first place. Of course, we should be serious to pray Todd comes to his senses, repents and especially pray for his family to come through these hard times. I shouldn’t be happy about people he hurt but I am happy it led to the end of the counterfeit Christianity.